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Available all year

Do you want to learn Spanish? Take advantage of the charms of Valencia, Spain's third largest city, a place for all ages and tastes. In Valencia you'll find a bit of everything, lots of beaches, monuments, nightlife, and of course, Intereuropa Idiomas, a Spanish language school founded in 1998 and full member of the Instituto Cervantes. We are located in the heart of Valencia's historic centre, in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, just a few minutes' walk from the city's most important monuments and most prestigious shops. It is a familiar school, where you will feel comfortable and accompanied in the learning of Spanish by all our staff.


More Information

  • Other information:
    • Contact us to find out about our full range of courses and services

This experience also includes...

  • Intensive Spanish course, book and 3 free time activities

Other services

  • 1700€ Family accommodation, single room with half board